For far too long, access to alternative investments has been limited to institutional investors & insiders who can leverage proprietary opportunities to capture outsized returns. These investments have been out of reach for the individual investor and "Main Street” has been left behind.
At Gridline, we believe that everyone should be able to emulate what the smartest investors are doing with their portfolios, but we recognized no system was in place to provide this unfettered access. So we built one — and we’re hiring.
We’re not disrupting the industry. We’re opening it up. Come join us.
Career Opportunities
What We Do: Gridline provides access to top-tier alternative investments, creating an efficient way to gain diversified exposure to non-public assets with lower capital minimums, transparent fees, and greater liquidity. While the traditional investing process is cumbersome, manual, and inefficient, we are redeveloping the entire system from the ground up, building a technology-first approach…
What We Do: Gridline provides access to top-tier alternative investments, creating an efficient way to gain diversified exposure to non-public assets with lower capital minimums, transparent fees, and greater liquidity. While the traditional investing process is cumbersome, manual, and inefficient, we are redeveloping the entire system from the ground up, building a technology-first approach…
What We Do: Gridline provides access to top-tier alternative investments, creating an efficient way to gain diversified exposure to non-public assets with lower capital minimums, transparent fees, and greater liquidity. While the traditional investing process is cumbersome, manual, and inefficient, we are redeveloping the entire system from the ground up, building a technology-first approach…